
EOS Resource Planner

Current RAM Price

Cost to persist 1 KiB of data in RAM

Current Network Price

Cost to reserve 1 KiB/Day Network Bandwidth

Current CPU Price

Cost to reserve 1 MS/Day CPU Bandwidth


What is RAM?

RAM is required to store data on the blockchain and must be purchased. You get a set number of bytes of storage based on the current RAM market price. The price automatically adjusts up and down with buying and selling action. When you release storage you can sell RAM back to recover EOS at the current ram market price.

What is Network Bandwidth?

Network Bandwidth is measured as your average consumption in bytes over the last 3 days. Net bandwidth is temporarily consumed every time you send an action or transaction but decreases over time returning to 0. The more tokens you stake for net bandwidth the more you get to use. You can unstake at any time to reclaim your EOS tokens.

What is CPU Bandwidth?

CPU Bandwidth is measured as your average consumption in microseconds over the last 3 days. CPU bandwidth is temporarily consumed when you send an action or transaction but decreases over time returning to 0. The longer your transaction runs, the more CPU bandwidth it will consume. You can unstake at any time to reclaim your EOS tokens.

Network Statistics

Overall RAM

This is the total amount of RAM that has been reserved across the network. Note: this is not indicative of RAM used by token holders and applications.

Total Available:

0.00 GiB

Total Reserved:

0.00 GiB


0.00 %


Note: Block producers will manage the available RAM and add additional capacity as needed.

What can I afford?

I currently have:

available for RAM

available for Net

available for CPU

You can afford:


of RAM


of Network Bandwidth


of CPU Bandwidth

What will it cost?

I need to buy:

of RAM

of Network Bandwidth

of CPU Bandwidth

It will cost:


for RAM


for Net Bandwidth


for CPU Bandwidth